Sunday, August 14, 2016

Here are your webcam a surveillance camera

Webcams can be used övervakning.Varför spend money on the monitoring system when your webcam and your PC can do the job for you? show you how to make an surveillance cameras of your webcam!

quick Facts
How long does it take
about 30 minutes to set up the surveillance camera
What do I need
-PC, Webcam and a software called WebcamLocker
What do I learn?
-Förvandla Your webcam into a surveillance camera

There may be many reasons why you would want to keep track of anything using your webcam. Maybe you want to have a live picture of your sleeping baby on a screen next to the TV, or to find out who in the household is of the equipment is such a terrible mess in the common fridge.

Nevertheless, this technology not only for malicious use. Your PC and Webcam form a reliable duo you can use to catch unscrupulous individuals who try to steal things from you or vandalize your property. With the right software, your camera can be set to record all movements within its field of view and save videos on your hard drive or on a FTP server. You can set your PC to act as a web server and set up a live broadcast on the Internet so you can keep an eye on your house, car or other valuables from any PC at work or at the resort. We'll even show you how you can receive alerts via email when the motion detector is triggered.

All you need for this project is a webcam, your PC or laptop and an appropriate program. Using these tools you can transform your camera into a motion detector and saves the video clips. The program we have used is called WebCam Looker and you can download the trial version here: Webcam Locker You can download a 14-day free trial and then you are expected to pay relatively affordable $ 25, just under SEK 200, to maintain the program. This single program will take care of all the configuration for you. WebCam Looker has Russian origin and the settings are not always the names you might expect, so look at our great step by step guide below to dispel any doubt.

If you keep track of an immobile object, you will most likely only want to save the video clips on the occasions when something happens. It would be pretty tedious to have to look through hours of inactivity to locate precisely the moment when something occurred. WebCam Looker can be configured to start recording when motion is detected and ends when things are quiet again. If you watch over something that is not completely immobile you can set the sensitivity of the motion sensor is relatively low, so that only a larger movement will trigger the recording.

You can even set the detector is only sensitive to motion in a specific area of ​​everything covered. If you wish to use this feature, click the "Use Motion Detector" tab "Sources" in the Settings. "The place that you configure things on the screen is" Detector settings ", which is also accessible from the" Sources " . WebCam Looker calling areas for motion detection for the "areas" and you can configure a number of areas, and then select the area you want to be active. These areas are listed on this screen. If you're looking for movement in the entire field of view this will also be referred to as an "area". Adjusting the slider "Sensitivity Level" to determine the amount of movement required to trigger the sensor.

Save your movies
Once you have decided what type of business to start recording, you need to specify what will happen to it being filmed. If you are happy to look back on the activity during the day at a later time, you can simply save the movie clips on your hard drive. In the 'Destination', select Video as type, and then specify a location on your hard drive. If you need to access clips from elsewhere should you choose to upload to FTP and then enter the address and login information for your FTP server.

You will discover that you can also use a setting in the "Type" to send email alerts to notify you that your camera has detected that something is happening. When you receive this email, you can use your browser to watch the movie in real time. To accomplish this you need to click on the "Web server". Click Enable Web "server, enter the login information and find the name of the web page.

You can also create a WML page so you can watch your webcam pictures from your mobile if you so desire. All you have to do is bring your URL (which consists of your IP address followed by the name of the page) and enter it in a browser.

How to configure WebCam Looker:
1) This is the main screen of WebCam Looker. Source_1 sound from line inputs or mic jack. Source_2's webcam. Click Settings to configure the program and Archive to view movie clips webcam taken and saved.

2) Here are the Sources tab in the Settings dialog. The settings on the bottom depends on the source (source) that is selected. Mark your webcam. Click on the Use Motion Detector to record only when something happens.

3) Click the Detector settings. The areas (Areas) that you have defined are listed. Select an area to configure it. Adjust the slider Sensitivity level to determine the amount of movement required to trigger the sensor.
4) The screen area setup allows you to define which parts of the visual field to trigger the sensor. Probably, you want the whole image to be motion sensitive. Otherwise, use the brush to define the desired area.
5) Click the Destination on-screen motion detector. Click Add to create a new one and use the drop-down list Type to select where to save the movie. To save the clips on your hard drive, select Video, and then Browse to specify the path.
6) To upload your clips to an FTP server, select FTP upload from the drop-down list Type. Enter the address of your FTP server and login information. You can also select the Send e-mail to be notified when a motion is detected.
7) In order to monitor the camera from a web page, click Settings in the main window and select the tab Web server. Tick ​​the Enable Web server and enter the name of the HTML and WML pages as well as a login name and a password.
8) Copy and paste the HTML address in your browser. Click on the current source (Source). Set a refresh interval in seconds, and click Set. Now load a new image up with the frequency of your choice, so you can keep track of your webcam.
9) On the main page, click on the Archive to see all the footage that has been recorded so far. Click the radio button Motion detector Archive at the top and make sure the correct source is selected in the list box.

Recording sound with WebCam Looker
1) If you would like to use any tool to record audio to complement the image from your webcam, you should set this as a separate source. WebCam Looker suggests two sources as standard, so choose the one that is not your webcam and click Edit to configure it.
2) The Source Setup screen, click Advanced settings and select your sound card from the drop-Audio device. This allows you to record audio using any device that you can plug into a line-in jack, such as a microphone.
3) Click on the audio settings button next to the Audio Device box to set what is to be recorded. Check the Enable box Pin Line Input Mix and then choose your entry in the list box Pin Line bottom right. Mic Volume, or Line Volume is probably the right choice for you.
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