Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Google is already working on its own smart watch

The new watch may not be being developed by the laboratory experimental unit X Lab but by a section of the Android team. The 'smartwatch' of Google compete with Apple and Samsung futures as well as those who are already on the market, such as Sony.
Google is considering entering the field of smart watches, according to an article published by The Financial Times and picked up by The Verge. Thus the US company would compete directly with Apple iWatch course the device itself and South Korea's Samsung and other smart watches currently on the market such as Sony SmartWatch. New developments in technology companies indicate a new direction consistent consumption in "wearable" technology, integrated into clothing or accessories. So, Google has already developed some devices in this field as smart Talking Shoes or sneakers star project Google Glass.

However, there was a battle that had not yet entered: the best smart watches. It seems that Google sees in the smart watch a viable product in the short term this regard, information talks about a possible new Google project for which it could be working on its own smart watch. In this new smartwatch market already from major technology developers like Samsung or Apple to smaller companies like Jawbone sports like Nike or those seeking to gain a foothold with own innovations in these devices. According to information obtained by The Verge, unlike as usual, the new watch may not be being developed by the unit of experimental laboratory X Lab but by a section of Android equipment company which could indicate that Google sees in it a more feasible short-term product.

 Google has declined to comment. The Financial Times points to a Google patent dated 2011 for bluetooth smart watch phone with a dual screen and a filp-up display with a "touch user interface", although no product Google has launched recently may have resemblance to what It described therein. It should be noted that, after the acquisition of Motorola by Google, the search engine launched its own Android SmartWatch technology under the name MotoACTV. The Financial Times has no details on the timing carried out by the search engine so the time it takes Google to launch its product, confirmed the project is unknown. Therefore, despite the innovation capacity and experience of giant, it should be taken seriously into account companies like Samsung, which will give great competition to Internet giant thanks to months of experience in the market for these devices.

Read more article about smart watch at http://cheapspycams.blogspot.com/2016/08/smartwatch-comparison-apple-watch-at_8.html

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